As we continue to upload
more antique gems onto the site, we will occasionally, if lucky, find replace-ments for the ones we have already sold. We
already have a few replacements for some that are currently on this site. Both the market and condition of those
replacements will essentually dictate the price.
However, if you see a duplicate
replacement of a print you have recently purchased from our site, and you feel the condition or engraved "impression" is "better",
we will give you the oppor-tunity to exchange your recent purchase for the replacement you see on the site, provided we receive your print in the same condi-tion
when it was initially sold to you.
We're confident that any perceived difference
will be relatively small enough as to not make it worth your while; a couple "shadow" spots from a previous cleaning or a small
crease in the margin can easily be archivally"matted out" when framing without impuning or causing any damage
to the print. Don't be shy about e-mailing us, one way or the other.